My latest game idea for Bootcamp Outdoor Class was "Snakes and Ladders". Inspired by the popular - I wanna say - kids game, I made my own template. I guess, I actually haven't played the game much because for whatever reason, I was told that "snakes"actually mean down, and "ladders" mean up. Well, I like snakes and it made more sense to climb "up" out of the snake to be free? No?
Anyway, I changed it in order to not confuse the poor participants. I divided my Bootcampers into two teams. One team would be heads, one team would be tails. As it turns out the team decided to play ladies vs. gentlemen. I prepared 10 different exercises which would repeat themselves, so 11 would be the same exercise as 1, etc. Both teams had to do the same exercise, according to which field they landed on for 20 repetitions. So if the guys rolled a 44, both teams were doing 20 squat kicks. Here are the exercises: Warm up: list 10’s- squats, lunges, deadlift, jumping jack, shoulder circles, 2x Snakes and ladders 20’s: 1- reverse fly standing 2- push up 3- lunge kneel to stand 4- squat kick 5- burpees 6- single leg row standing 7- jack knives 8- side plank side crunch 9- front/side raise 10- single leg hops Let me tell you, there were a lot of push ups ;) The ladies won as the guys were hogging all the snakes! It took about an hour to complete including stretches and warm up.
Nothing clears the mind like a hike! Most people (including me) feel much better after spending some time in nature. It can make you feel more creative and inspired. Now, before you go off to climb Mt. Everest, make sure to match your hike to your skill level. My friend Brad Mistry has made hiking his own personal challenge and has completed well over a hundred hikes in and around the Vancouver area. I have asked him to share his favourite easy, intermediate and advanced hikes and I am happy to introduce you to some of his recommendations: Easy hike: Pitt Wildlife Loop Distance: 15 km Time: 4 h Brad's comment: "I recommend doing one of the West sections of the hike - not all. The worst part was the flies didn't understand social distancing as they swarmed around me and made me run for a solid kilometer. The best part was the epic scenery as several mountains from two separate ranges would converge into 1 single point." Intermediate hike: Elk Mountain - Mount Thurston Distance: 16.5 km Time: 7 h Brad's comment: "Don't stop when reaching the peak of Elk Mountain; the path to Mount Thurston is along the ridge of the mountain offering the best views as you reach the viewpoint at Thurston. Thurston had views revealing snow capped mountains in the distance taking your imagination to places you think were only in movies." Advanced hike: Slesse Memorial Trail Distance: 12 km Time: 6 h Brad's comment: "Deep into the protected lands of Mount Slesse, paying respects to the Trans Canada Flight 810 crash site where 62 passengers and crew lost their lives on Dec 9, 1959. There are long sections of the trail that have the best views and even the car ride to the location seemed like footage from Jurassic Park. The wreckage of the plane was at the peak with excellent views." Try it out and let me know what you think :) Why games are important for us
If you have taken classes with me, you may have noticed that every once in a while, I do like to include some games into my sessions. I know, there are some hard-core people out there who take working out very seriously and believe there is no room for games and everything has to be according to plan, measured and improved weekly. However, I believe, games are not only a great way to switch up your workout routine a bit, but also come with other benefits: 1.Motivation: some people are motivated through competition with others 2.Social aspects: Working with, or against, other people will help develop and fine-tune social skills 3.Cross-training: some games will require you to work on your reaction time, coordination, agility or balance in a way a workout cannot replicate 4.Increased brain activity: when playing games, you will also activate different brain cells, which makes it a true full-body workout 5.Fun: it also just adds an element of fun, and we all need some more fun in life ! |
About JessiHealth and Fitness have always played an important role in my life. Archives
August 2022